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Thirty as One
The Class: Form Teacher: Ms Michelle Yong
Co-Form Teacher: Mdm Heryati

#1 Bernadette
#2 Li Shan
#3 Lynn
#4 Karyn
#5 Yiying
#6 Delyse
#7 Germaine
#8 Jia Ai
#9 Yu Jia
#10 Jia Qi
#11 Ying Xin
#12 Qiu Lin
#13 Sing Yee
#14 Wei Feng
#15 Weijia
#16 Wei Liang
#17 Christopher
#18 Wilson
#19 Wee How
#20 Kevin
#21 Daryl
#22 Yan Qing
#23 Jun Lin
#24 Liu Tian
#25 Jing Hang
#26 Cedric
#27 Ryan
#28 Emerson
#29 Markairn
#30 Richard
Saturday, February 6, 2010, 10:50 PM
Hey ppls, this is a reminder

Mon: hand up Amath ex2.1: 2b,2e,3a,4c,6a
Hist test...(BOTH source based-political cartoons and content)

Thurs: Stay back from 3~4+ for phy test.(go there 10~15 min earlier)(cant remb wad chap)


For HCL, Mon 1.hand up 周记, title up 2 u
2. finish your 笔记and习字
Tue 1. 高级华文测验- 课2,4,6
- 填写词语《成语250条》151~180 and the 三课
- if you dont have the 250 成语,
press here(link for the words <3)

- 造句 one from 成语 one from the 三课
- 综合填空 (Part A and B, A from the 3 chaps, B from unknown)
- 阅读理解 From 《中正人》 pg 23,87,195
- 理解问答

Oh btw, SS test is postponed to week 8 if you didnt know.
I'll prob be still collecting money for Chem files and Chem SAP book(10 years series) if you havent hand up the files yet.

Thats about all until now. Teachers sure gonna add more. T_T


, 10:10 PM


Here's the new skin.

I know its damn plain.

But I don't have much time to go create another awesome one. So if you want a new skin, don't come look for me.

At least I think its nicer than the gay one previously.

So yeap.

Emerson: Hello, I left a note on the blogskin indicating the place you should put the mixpod and the things you should do. So don't screw this up. Thanks.

Thursday, February 4, 2010, 9:24 PM

Hello. This is 3Loyalty'10's awesome possum blog.